Mach-10 bbs copyright (C) 1988 by Scott M. Baker -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The source code for this program is not to be released to the general public, it is for specific persons which I decide. It is distributed to those specific persons under the following conditions: 1) This code or any of the files associated with it may not be distributed in modified form in any way. 2) You may not use any portion of the code distributed with this pacakage in any other program without my written permission. 3) This software and/or code may not be distributed for a profit. 4) I am in no way responsible for any damage that may be caused due to the use or misuse of this software. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUARENTEE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is absolutely no guarentee, warranty or promise of any kind made with regard to the performace or quality of the Mach-10 software, utilies, doccumentation, or any associated files. Any problems, risks, damages, disasters or lack of them are purely you're responsibility. By using the Mach-10 software, doccumentation, utilites, or any associated materials, you acknowledge this in full. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDIT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following persons have assisted me with the developement of this software either through the programs that they have written or help that they have given me in testing/developing the software. Jerry Cain - Beta-Testing and helpful suggestions Sam H. Smith - Visiual editor and associated routines --------------------------------------------------------------------------